关于生命的意义,宗教能教给你什么? 关于正义和道德? 关于你自己的目标?

Dive into the deep questions with a major in 宗教及神学研究. 通过世界宗教概论等课程, 基督教神学历史, 和圣经研究, 你将学会如何思考宗教——你自己的宗教, 如果你有的话, 和别人的. Study the development of global religions and the role these play in the world today. 了解宗教如何影响文化, 世界各地的冲突和时事. Reflect on the big questions that consume humankind through the lens of faith. 


Complete your BA in 宗教及神学研究 and Master's Degree with our 通路s to receive two degrees in five years down below.

Explore the BA in 宗教及神学研究 and Master's Degree (工商管理硕士) 通路.

Explore the BA in 宗教及神学研究 and Master's Degree (MSDGMA) 通路.

Explore the BA in 宗教及神学研究 and Master's Degree (MSOL) 通路.


St. 爱德华的 宗教及神学研究 majors go on to a variety of careers. 这里有一个例子:

  • 德克萨斯州最高法院司法法律书记
  • 美国志愿队扫盲导师
  • 圣公会大学校园部主任. 托马斯。
  • 扶贫大使,午间募款 
  • 圣神学教师. 庇护十世(新墨西哥州阿尔伯克基)
  • 社会正义部主任,圣. 奥斯丁天主教教区
  • 电影制作人,圣十字教会
  • 塞瓦尼神学院比肯中心主任
  • 和平队志愿者,多米尼加志愿者,耶稣会志愿者


探索你的选择——上课、实习、研究和出国留学. 使用 宗教与神学研究专业指南 找到你感兴趣的东西, 发现你的所爱, 并创造一个重要的经验,启动你的未来. 


宗教及神学研究 students have been selected for prestigious fellowships such as the Fulbright 奖 for South Korea, 以色列, 和德国. 校友 of our program also pursue graduate studies in religious studies and theology at the University of Notre Dame, 哈佛神学院, 波士顿学院神学与事工学院, 耶鲁大学, 杜克神学院, 天主教神学院, 德鲁大学, 福特汉姆大学, Union Theological Seminary and New York University and flourish in the fields of higher education and ministry.

同时, 我们的校友也会去乔治城法学院, 西奈山的伊坎医学院, 休斯顿大学法律中心, 华盛顿大学博物馆研究专业, 德克萨斯理工大学农业与应用经济学专业, 纽约大学社会工作专业.

有关宗教和神学研究专业的更多信息, please contact 教授essor and Chair of 宗教及神学研究, 凯利·科布伦茨·鲍奇. 宗教与神学研究专业是 宗教与神学研究系

Our students have a unique opportunity to engage in active learning and research that explores diverse religious traditions, 文化, 道德问题. They can participate in various lecture series that foster interreligious dialogue, conduct original research projects under the guidance of faculty mentors, 并在研讨会和会议上展示他们的发现.


作为一个宗教和神学研究专业的学生, 你将有机会在校内和校外应用所学知识. Austin’s religious community is diverse and offers many opportunities to participate in interfaith dialogue, 在以信仰为基础的服务组织做志愿者或实习生, 或者在宗教和政治的交汇处工作.


The 宗教及神学研究 Program strongly emphasizes 从实践经验中学习 through its signature courses. Students clarify their academic interests and aspirations and explore these through mentored research and internships. Courses also involve opportunities for service and for active learning outside of the classroom.


  • St. 爱德华的Theta Alpha Kappa分会, 全国宗教研究和神学荣誉学会, celebrates student accomplishments and builds community among our majors. Students associated with honor society can share their original research at conferences and can compete for national scholarships.
  • 校园部 offers opportunities to deepen your 灵性 and your understanding of others’ faiths – whether or not you’re Catholic. Go on a retreat to develop mindfulness (and relationships with fellow students on retreat), 参加跨宗教活动, 或者参加圣经学习. 校园事工也协调几个圣. 爱德华的标志性服务项目,如S.E.R.V.E奥斯汀.
  • 服务中断经历 give you the chance to travel to another community, 做志愿者,了解当地生活. 中小企业建立在圣. 爱德华的 and the service location and require students to prepare — educationally and spiritually — beforehand.

St. 爱德华的 hosts two lecture series that are of particular interest to 宗教及神学研究 majors. The Nostra Aetate Lecture explores interreligious dialogue and the values reflected in the groundbreaking Vatican II (1965) document of the same name. 最尊敬的约翰·麦卡锡系列讲座 on the Catholic Church in the 21st Century is named in honor of a former Diocese of Austin bishop and features religious and lay experts from around the country discussing issues facing modern and contemporary Catholicism.